
Wednesday, 15 April 2015

Adventures in the Big Smoke

A rare event occurred today. Herself handed me a pile of cash and sent me off to Dublin with only our youngest lad as a chaperone.

Now I say sent me off with a pile of cash, but I was being sent to a garage to look at a new car. With strict instructions on how much to pay etc. The youngest was sent with me to make sure I bought the car or returned with the money.

A quick stop at the shop for a drink for the journey and onto the bus we got. Little lad was let on free. Bonus. 

Straight to the back he went. As all kids do. It was great the whole back row to ourselves. We spent the next hour. Singing. Making animal noises! Him not me! Thankfully we still had the back of the bus to ourselves. 

Just as we reached Dublin the inevitable happened, the bottle of drink had filled his bladder and a loo stop was required. 
Distraction was called for. Luckily a Viking tour went past, which was all that was needed our stop was next.

Thankfully McDonalds came to our rescue. Quick pit stop and we went in search of the next bus on our journey.

After chasing pigeons. Him, not me! A quick photo so I could use my travel pass on the bus and we were on the second leg of the journey.

Up top we went. Again we got the back seats. Yes!! Spelling was the order of the day here, and, so engrossed were we in our game we noticed Lidl at the last minute and scrambled to disembark.

Here reality and Google maps took over. I wasn't long realising we'd been a bit hasty and jumped early.

Sweltering heat. The young lad on my shoulders and my coat in my hand we set off on the long walk to the garage, in what felt like 80° heat. Regular calls were made so our endevours wouldn't be in vain.

A quick test drive and the haggling began. Well I say haggling, I offered lower prices and they were refused.

A quick call home to herself, the family accountant and agreement was given to buy the car.

Paperwork signed, cash handed over and we set off home in our new wheels.

Let's hope they last a good while. Fun as the day was. I'm shattered.


  1. Oooooh new car! Enjoy :) Looks fab. Lots of fab trips out now :) Jess x

  2. Only a 97 but as long as it gets us around. First family trip tonight. Eldest lad has semi final in soccer shield.

  3. Hope it runs well for ye! Ridiculously hard to find second hand 7 seaters in this country. I bet it was nice spending the day with just one of the kids. I love those days!

  4. It was. We had such a blast. Even if I did have to walk from Glasnevin Cemetery to Lidl in Finglas in the heat with him on my shoulders. Especially a diesel one. Here's hoping I can persuade a car manufacturer to have me as a brand ambassador and give me one to use and blog about :-)

  5. Love new cars! Sounds like a lovely day just 1:1 :-)
