
Monday, 25 May 2015

My 10 Things

I can hardly believe this is my 3rd month of joing A Cornish Mum's #TenThings linky. Reading back over my first link up post I boasted I had so many things I could write a list of. Now I'm here trying to write, it's a different stoy.
I'm also linking it up to a new Linky by ElandBabyA and MyLittleBaBog #Linkalist

Friday, 22 May 2015

Weaning Wednesday

I've lived in Ireland for 10 years this August and it never ceases to amaze me.

Thursday, 21 May 2015

Depression and I

Imagine waking up in the morning, your head is heavy, your body aches and you feel drained. Its not the flu, you are not physically sick.

Tuesday, 19 May 2015

Doctors & Hospitals

Before becoming a father I never realised just how much time would be spent in doctors waiting rooms and hospitals.

Sunday, 17 May 2015

My Sunday Photo

I love this photo of my little buddy and his Ma.

Saturday, 16 May 2015

To Google or not to Google

Thankfully after My Tough Day post. Which actually turned into a tough three days #BabyPink was given the all clear to return home.

Wednesday, 13 May 2015

5 Reasons I Love Being a SAHD

I have to admit the role of SAHD was thrust upon me, rather than it being a choice. Nine years ago I had a great job as a Supervisor

A Tough Day

Today began just like any other. Repeated calls to the eldest to get out of bed for school. Rushing around trying to make packed lunches, supervising teeth brushing, playing find the missing tie etc etc.

Monday, 11 May 2015

Abandonment and Adoption

Over the weekend there were news reports of a new born baby girl being abandoned in County Kildare. Read about it here

Sunday, 10 May 2015

My Sunday Photo - 10/05/15

Like many of you I am normally the one behind the camera. All that changed this week.

Saturday, 9 May 2015

Top Tips for Decorating with Children

Anyone who follows me on Twitter will know I have been painting the house for the last two days.

Friday, 8 May 2015

Pregnancy Pillows - Nursing Pillows Review

A while ago #BabyPink was sent a Nursing Pillow by the nice people at Pregnancy Pillows

Wednesday, 6 May 2015

Being a Step Father

Much is made of Wicked Stepmothers in the movies. Cinderella had one,  Sleeping beauty etc.

Monday, 4 May 2015

A Celebration

The Beginning

I first started blogging back in January when I got the news that the new addition to the family was to be a girl. I'll admit I was terrified, hence my initial blog was titled OMG It's A Girl. You can view it here. I never imagined that in such a short space of time i'd have over 3000 views on the blog.

Sunday, 3 May 2015

My Sunday Photo

With Mothers Day in the USA fast approaching, I've been looking through my photos for some to make a collage as a present.

This is one from Keycamp in France. It shows my youngest, taking part in the "Learn to ride" lesson.

Even with his arm in cast he didn't stop. He tried everything. This was the first time he rode a bike with no stabilisers.

A bittersweet moment. The joy of watching him ride on his, tinged with sadness that it wasn't me getting him to do it.

Saturday, 2 May 2015

#BabyPink has arrived

It's just over a year now since #BabyPink was born. I thought it would be a good time to look back.

This post was written the night she was born after returning home from taking her brothers to meet her for the first time.

Firstly my thanks to El for the name Baby Pink.  I was wondering what I should refer to my daughter as on this blog. Initials seem so impersonal.

Much as I am thrusting her into the public eye, albeit a very small one at present, with time I hope it will grow further. I've merchandise planned, guest posts and of course the holy grail of blogging, Sponsorship. All of which I would hope to do, yet still grant her anonymity until such time as she chooses to go public, or not as the case may be.

Ironic I know, every movement, gurgle, tantrum, etc will be scrutinized and the words "That will make a great post" uttered subconsciously.  Yet I want to remain anonymous and in doing so her as well. How to do this and still  have a recurring name to use was  a problem I had wrestled with, until El wrote Baby Pink in the comments on a post. A light sparked and Baby Pink was born.

 So here she is, the tiny, helpless little girl, who had a grown man quaking in his boots at the thought of her arrival.

Baby Pink

Beautiful isn't she. But then I am biased. How anything so small and beautiful, could cause so much anguish and sleepless nights is a wonder. But she did.

That moment I looked into her tiny eyes, as she gurgled and blinked. I knew she was going to break hearts. She already has Mine! There is a cheeky glint and a sparkle that I know can only mean one thing trouble with a capital T.

Well it is late now, so  I will say goodnight and fall  asleep happy and contented, knowing that she is  safe and being cared for by her Mammy and the wonderful  staff in St. Lukes Hospital Kilkenny. I intend to make the most of it.  She is going to give me sleepless nights, that's for sure.

Milestones you won't find in a parents handbook.

As herself will tell you I'm very laid back in my parenting and not very competitive at all.