
Sunday, 17 May 2015

My Sunday Photo

I love this photo of my little buddy and his Ma.

She had been getting pains and some bleeding. After a call to the maternity ward we were advised to come straight in to get checked over, just to be on the safe side.

Buddy didn't want to stay with the babysitter and was visibly distressed so came along "To look after his Mammy" I think he thought we were getting the baby.

Anyway, after the usual questions, samples and vitals checks we were left to wait for the Dr.

Buddy started doing what he does best. MESSING. You can't see as his hand is in the way, but herself is giving out to me for laughing at him.

Thankfully all was OK and on future hospital visits he was happy to stay behind. I've always wanted to play with the gloves, but been too scared. I hope Buddy doesn't lose his sense of fun as he grows up.



  1. Awww thats sweet that he wants to take care of Mammy! Yes this is what I am wishing for my son as well, not to lose his sense of fun =) #mysundayphoto

    1. Probably makes me a bad Dad but all too often I find myself laughing at him. When I am telling him off.
      9 times out of 10 he is good as gold in public or when other people around.

  2. Very happy fun photo, glad to hear everything is ok

    Thank you for linking up

    1. Thanks Darren. Look forward to linking up next week.

  3. Aww! How sweet that he wanted to look after his mother...
    He does look like he's having a great time x

    1. Oh yes. WE had a great time. Herself was delighted when the nurse returned and told us we had to wait outside while Dr examined her.

  4. Typical boys wanting to fiddle. That's like my brother (and he's 35!). Glad to hear all was ok.

    1. Oh we never grow up. Yep all was fine and now #BabyPink is here!!
