
Sunday, 28 February 2016

My #tenthings Feb 2016

January's #tenthings link up post was a blogging wishlist and goals post for the coming year.

It contained things like a laptop, decent camera phone as well as rise up the tots100 rankings and a featured post in The Huffington Post or Mumsnet.

Tech problems (mainly nothing to actually blog on) have put the brakes on most of these. Although tots100 ranking didn't slip much, still in top 1000 which I'm pleased with.

Not quite the Huff, but I did get a guest post featured, by the wonderful (don't tell her I said that) @AbsPrabulous in her new series The #OopsFiles. So I'm well chuffed.

I've been doing a #40daysofbloggingchallenge with Mr. Kitney where we feature a different Blogger each day of Lent and share a bit of #Bloggerlove. Here are my 10 favourite posts I've read so far.

  1. The Panic of Losing a Small Child by Tim at Slouching Towards Thatcham. I've been through this myself, when my son wandered off whilst in a busy shopping centre. Reading Tim's post made me realise we have no plan in place if we ever get separated You can read the post here
  2. 11 Things That are Really Difficult to Give up for Lent by Prabs at Absolutely Prabulous. I am a lapsed Roman Catholic, so don't pay much heed to "lent" per se. I did think Prabs list was brilliant, but I cannot think of anything that would make her give up #11. Read her post here
  3. Just Laugh by Sarah at Run Jump Scrap is one of those posts that make you feel good about the human race. We've all been there when our kids throw a wobbly in public, or seen other parents having the misfortune to suffer it. Read what happened here
  4. I've Been Left Housebound by the DVLA's Prejudice by Martyn at Inside Martyn's Thoughts is not a rant post by someone thinking they are being unfairly treated. Martyn (as anyone who knows him) talks about his disability with frankness and honesty, so for him to take to social media on the subject shows it is important. I would be lost without my car, so for him it is devastating. Read the post here
  5. The Olympics and IVF by Emily at Twin Mummy and Daddy shows some of the hurdles that couples who have to go the IVF route to becoming parents must go through. Read it here
  6. #Dadsforchange by Al at The DAD Network highlights the difficulties us Dad's face when trying to change our children when out and about. A great campaign to get changing facilities available to Dad's in major shops and restaurants. Read it here
  7. Wintery Sensory Play by Emma at The Joy of Five is a brilliant yet simple idea for indoor, sensory fun when you have no snow. I'll definitely be trying it out with the smaller boys. Read it here
  8. Post Natal Depression by Lisa at The Love of a Captain details her experience of PND and offers advice and places to go to get help if you think you or your partner are suffering from PND. Read the post here
  9. #Checkyourchaps for Cancer by Nige at DIY Daddy is a post raising awareness of the need to check for signs of testicular cancer. There's even a video showing you how to do it properly. Read the post here
  10. Am I Too Protective by Julie at Picking Up Toys deals with something that is all too big a worry in today's world. Are we too Protective or is it not safe for our children. You decide. Read her post here
Well I hhope you've enjoyed these posts as much as I have. 

Come back next month for another 10.


  1. Thanks for featuring me and the post. It's greatly appreciated. Also love how you have delved into the #40daybloggingchallenge it's great to have someone doing the challenge with me!

    1. It's a great idea Mr K.

      Getting to find new bloggers and posts from bloggers I've missed.

    2. Thanks for reading and commenting.

  2. Awww double chuffed for the double mention. But what is this about 'not quite the Huff'... :)

    1. Ah your a completely different type of blog than the Huff. Unique !!

    2. Thanks for reading and commenting.

  3. Cheers for featuring me, Alan. A great set of posts here. Hope February's been good to you!

    1. Glad to feature you Tim. Was good to go through your older posts.

      February was a bit manic. With 1st birthday and a confirmation.

      Thanks for reading and commenting.

  4. Thank you so much for mentioning me! It's given me lists of posts to have a look at too :)

    1. Was a great post.
      I'm def doing it one day with #babypink

      Thanks for reading and commenting

  5. Some new writing for me to look at here. Thanks for the tips.

    1. Yeah it's a great idea of Martyn's to spread some Blogger love during Lent.

      I'm reading some new blogs and posts from bloggers I've missed.

      Thanks for reading and commenting.

  6. I love that you both were doing this, what a lovely thing to do bigging other bloggers up :) Brilliant choices too! Thanks for linking up to #TenThings..... it goes live again on Friday....not that I'm running late on commenting or anything ha!

    Stevie :)
