
Monday, 4 April 2016

From The Mouths of Babes 04/04/16

Now Buddy is well versed on the differences between stepfathers and fathers. Having grown up knowing I'm not his older brothers father.

He has also heard them saying "You're not my real Dad!" from them, when they are being given out to.

Last week he was being bold and didn't stop when given his warnings. So we went to the next step and sent him to his room.

Off he went up the stairs, slammed his bedroom door and then I heard things being thrown.

"You make a mess and you'll be cleaning it up" I called through the door.

"You're not my real father, you can't tell me what to do!" Was the reply.

All I could do was laugh.


  1. Oh bless him. It's funny what they pick up on from older siblings isn't it? My youngest has picked up from my eldest the phrase 'You're not my friend ANYMORE!' It does sound funny coming out of the mouth of someone who isn't even two years old yet :)

    1. Yes. What's even funnier is that only the day before he was fighting with his brother about me not being step son #2s real dad.

      Thanks for reading and commenting.

  2. Oh dear. I think laughing is probably the best response really! #ftmob

    1. Yes. That or open the door and show him his birth certificate lol.

      Thanks for reading and commenting.

  3. Lol, you have a mini teenager on your hands there! I think I probably would have laughed too. I remember coming out with similar things to my half-sisters when I was little and having a strop too. Thanks for linking up to #ftmob :-)

    1. Thanks for hostibg Louise.

      Luckily I was adopted and gad been a stepdad for years so am well practiced in saying/hearing this. Made me laugh as he didn't think through his insult before shouting it.
      See you on Monday. He came out with another classic this week.

  4. Oh that's so funny, I think I would have laughed too! My teen often comments that she must be adopted because I can't be her real mother, I tell her my stretchmarks beg to differ! #ftmob

    1. Ha what a great comeback..

      Thanks for reading and commenting
