Saturday 31 October 2015

It's not just the girls who are Stereotyped!

#Babypink seconds old
There she is! Hard to believe in a little over a week #BabyPink is 9 months old.

Friday 23 October 2015

Raising Strong Independent Girls - With the help of Tara Binns

Thursday 15 October 2015

#throwbackthursday-week 4

I trawled through my photo album and thought this would do as my #throwbackthursday link up post.

I thought was topical as all the children are getting ready for their communions and confirmations.

That was my school uniform for St. Thomas Moore primary school in Kidlington.

We had the ceremony and then they had a little party in one of the classrooms.

Wednesday 14 October 2015


Normally I'm not one to ask  people to vote for me in competitions....... But