Monday 25 May 2015

My 10 Things

I can hardly believe this is my 3rd month of joing A Cornish Mum's #TenThings linky. Reading back over my first link up post I boasted I had so many things I could write a list of. Now I'm here trying to write, it's a different stoy.
I'm also linking it up to a new Linky by ElandBabyA and MyLittleBaBog #Linkalist

I think I will go with: 10 Blogging Goals for June: So here are My 10 Things
  1. I've just signed up to Tots100 I'm not really sure what stats they use to compile the list, so will set myself a target of being in the top 800 by the end of June.
  2. Some of my older posts are heading towards 300 + views. I would love if a new one gained that many views within a week.
  3. Be more organised with my blogging. This is the first post i've stated a while before being published. I'd love to have posts ready for Linkys. So they can just be edited and posted. So I'm aiming for 5 drafts ready to be published.
  4. I read a lot of posts. Due to technology and children I don't comment on as many as I could. I'm aiming for 10 coments per day. Each comment per day being on a different blog.
  5. I seem to stick with the same few blogs. So each week I aim to read a new blog.
  6. Without much work I have grown to over 500 twitter followers. As with the blogs, in the main, I seem to interact with the same handful of people there. I aim to increase my interaction over the month.
  7. Improve my post content. This I'm envisioning being one of the easier things to accomplish. By being more organised, drafting, scheduling and planning posts. I should have more time to edit and re read before posting. All of which should lead to an inmprovement in the post content, and, in turn help me in achieving some of my other goals.
  8. Write a Media page. I'm hoping to monetise the blog in the near future. To do this I will need to look and act more like a business than a hobby. 
  9. Similar reasons to number 8 but the general look of the blog needs improvement. I realise until I can go self hosted, there are limitations, but there are still improvements that need to be made.
  10. Bring humour into my posts. I'd intended my blog to be a funny look at raising #BabyPink and The Boys, yet, my posts don't have the humour and wise cracks I'd intended. I aim to improve that with at least one humourous pst each week.
Well there are My 10 Things. We'll look back on the next Linky and see how I did and set 10 more goals.

A Cornish Mum


  1. Thanks for linking up again! With Tots100, if I was you I would concentrate on Instagram, getting your Klout score high and Twitter! Twitter is very good for Klout so that ones a win win ;)
    Stevie #TenThings

    1. Thanks Stevie. I'm a bit lost on Klout at the moment. Laptop access is very rare and not so smart phone app is limited.
      Score is 60 so I'll be happy maintaining that.
      I'll concentrate on Instagram and twitter then.

      Thanks for tips and hosting.

  2. I could have written this myself!Most of your goals are extremely similar to mine.Good luck x #TenThings

    1. Thanks. Good luck with your goals.
      Thanks so much for reading and taking time to comment.

  3. I tell myself time and time again that I'll be more organised and get posts in Draft form before they are needed - it's a great goal!

    Sometimes I even start writing them...and then a little voice says 'hey, you're ahead of schedule now so feel free to just chill out for a bit now, you earned it' - and then the posts get posted and there are no drafts available to replace them so I'm back to furiously writing something the night before again, hehe.

    One day I'll get ahead of schedule...and stay there ;)


    1. Ha I've never had the luxury of that little voice saying "You're ahead of schedule" I normally start writing one. Something crops up or I run out of ideas and it sits there half finished. Till I need it, then hurriedly finish it.

      Have found a great eBook saying how to write great posts in a short amount of time.

      We'll see if it works by end of the month.

      Thanks so much for reading and commenting. #my10things

  4. Great goals for the blog. Recently joined Tots100 too, couldn't believe my ranking. I need to get more organised too... and find my humour doesn't come across in my posts as much as I would like too.

    Thanks for linking up with #linkalist

  5. Oh I really need to make a list of goals! My blogging mojo has taken a serious hit and I think the goals might be a good motivation. Hope you accomplish all yours :)
    Thanks for linking up to #linkalist
